What You Need to Know About Custom Fabrication in the Southeast

The term “metal fabrication” covers building machine parts and structural components from raw metal materials. The various methods of custom fabrication in the Southeast are used for projects as small as part casting and can range up to include entire pieces of equipment and machinery. Massive industries, such as the auto, aerospace, and energy industries, heavily influence research and advances in metal fabrication. Tasks from cutting and shaping to final assembly fall metal fabrication. Here are the eight major steps typically involved in custom fabrication . Cutting Custom metal fabrication processes begin with cutting large sheets of metal into smaller sections. The size of these sections will depend largely on product design and customer needs. Forming During the forming process, metal surfaces are bent into various shapes. Press brakes and folding machines may be used to accomplish these bends. Welding Welding bonds two separate metal parts by melting them and forc...