What Electrical Thermal Imaging Is
You run a tight ship when it comes to your manufacturing operation and follow industry best practices for preventive maintenance. You know that keeping your equipment in fine repair is essential to the success and profitability of your company. Take that prevention to the next level with thermal imaging inspections . Choose a company that offers thermography to find out how the equipment is operating. Of course, your maintenance staff takes care of what they can see, but what about those problems that are invisible to the eye? With a thermal imaging camera, we take pictures that show the heat distribution. These pictures tell you where there are trouble spots, such as: Overloaded circuits Loose connections Arcing Overloaded transformers Wiring problems Overloaded motors Make Use of This Form of Preventive Maintenance One of the biggest benefits of thermal imaging inspections is that you don’t have to shut down the equipment to see problem areas. The camera gives you images ...